Wednesday 1 June 2011

Amanda Easton's Biblical Bowels

Is colonic irrigation "necessity for good health, as many experienced doctors have recorded in the past"?

Of course not!

In fact, "colon hydrotherapy" is neither safe, nor effective for any medical condition.

You'd never have guessed it from reading this handout (available here and here) from the "Association of Registered Colon Hydrotherapists" [sic].

The handout promotes Amanda Easton (pictured above), an unfortunate soul who earns a living from shoving things up people's bottoms.

Often in these articles, I focus on misleading health claims - which, more often than not, speak for themselves - but on this occasion, I'll ignore the claims and simply quote the funny bit.

What if I don't suffer from bowel problems? Do I still need colonic hydrotherapy? ... Colonic hydrotherapy has been practised for thousands of years in ancient Egyptian, Greek, Chinese and Indian civilisations and is referred to in the th 1st Century AD Gospel of Angels (The Essene Gospel of Peace, Book One, translated by Edmond Bordeaux Szekely) where it states:

"The uncleanness within is greater that the uncleanness without. He who cleanses himself without, but within remains unclean, is like a tomb that outward is painted fair, but is without full of all manner of uncleannness and abominations."

ASA complaint follows!

"I'm writing to complain about a handout for Amanda Easton / the Association of Registered Colon Hydrotherapists, which I picked up from a stall at the 'Mind Body Spirit' exhibition in London on 26th May.

The handout promotes the health benefits of "colon hydrotherapy" (better known as colonic irrigation). I suspect the claims are misleading.

1. "...Modern colonic hydrotherapy is currently used in many hospitals throughout the world as part of their healing programmes for many illnesses, some of which are considered terminal, and is used at clinics the world over for deep cleansing regimes..."

I'd like to challenge whether this text is misleading, because I understand there is no clinical evidence that colon hydrotherapy can help with any medical condition, or that there are any health benefits to be gained from "deep cleansing" the rectum.

2. "...The demand for colonic hydrotherapy treatment is a testament itself to its healing powers..."

I'd like to challenge whether that "colonic hydrotherapy" has "healing powers" is misleading.

3. "...Drawn from a 2009/10 ARCH client survey (308 participants)... 21% were pleased with weight loss and 56% noted general health improvement..."

I'd like to challenge whether the claims that colonic hydrotherapy can contribute to weight loss and improve general health are misleading, and whether they can be substantiated.

4. "...When administered by an ARCH registered therapist, colonic hydrotherapy is both safe and beneficial..."

I'd like to challenge whether the advertisers can substantiate this claim, because while researching previous complaints I've read evidence that suggests colonic hydrotherapy is neither safe nor beneficial for any medical condition.

I can confirm that I have no connections with the advertiser or with the alternative medicine industry in general."

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