Accomplished crook Vianna Stibal, her belligerent husband Cody and our very own Jenny Johnstone - recently mentioned in this blog - made their debut on the BBC´s Newsnight programme this week.
For anyone who missed it, here's the video.
Thursday, 23 June 2011
Saturday, 11 June 2011
Theta Healing Awareness Week (Part 3)
On the subject of Theta Healing, a recent visitor to the blog has written to say
"Thank you very much for the additional exposure! The more people hear about Theta Healing, the more that are likely to benefit from it. There is, as you know, no such thing as bad publicity..."
Well, I'm a big fan of Vianna Stibal's magical finger therapy, so I'm happy to help.
I've decided that this week is going to be the First Annual "Theta Healing Awareness Week".
To help publicise the event, here is some extra "additional exposure" in the shape of dozens of new ASA/Trading Standards complaints. Feel free to join in the fun!
"The website makes a health claim for Theta Healing (a form of hands-on healing comparable to reiki) which I suspect are misleading.
1. http://www.thetadnahealing.co.uk/thetahealing/who-we-are.php
"After her own life changing 3 days [into] her first Theta Basic training [course], Tracy was completely healed of the asthma she'd been suffering from since she was a child."
I'd like to challenge whether the advertiser can substantiate her claim that Theta Healing can cure asthma, whether the claim is misleading, whether it is irresponsible, and whether it might discourage essential treatment.
I have captured screenshots of the website, available at the following URLs:
I confirm that I have no connections with the advertiser or with the alternative health industry."
The website makes a number of health claims for Theta Healing (a form of hands-on healing comparable to reiki) which I suspect are misleading.
1. http://www.theta-healing.org.uk/origin.html
"In 1995 Vianna Stibal a Naturopath, Massage Therapist, and Medical Intuitive discovered that the way she did Readings could also do an instant healing. At that time Vianna was ... just diagnosed with cancer that was quickly destroying her right femur. Everything she had tried using conventional and alternative medicine failed and she was eventually told that she had lymphatic cancer with only a couple of months to live... Suddenly she discovered that using the same technique she used to do the readings could also heal the physical body. When she tried it on herself, her right leg that had shrunk by 3" regained it's [sic] former size and the pain disappeared. The healing was subsequently confirmed by medical doctors and to this day the leg continues to be perfectly healthy."
I'd like to challenge whether the advertiser can substantiate her claims that Theta Healing can cure cancer, heal the physical body, make legs grow by three inches and eliminate pain.
I'd also like to challenge whether the claim that Stibal's cure "was subsequently confirmed by medical doctors" can be substantiated, because I understand from researching previous complaints that there is considerable doubt about the veracity of this claim.
2. http://www.theta-healing.org.uk/origin.html
"Curious to understand why the technique was working, Vianna solicited the help of a physicist and with an electroencephalograph discovered that the simple technique tapped into Theta waves. Over many years it was discovered that the technique utilized a Theta and Gamma wave to achieve instant healing..."
I'd like to challenge whether the claims that Theta Healing has been validated by science are misleading.
3. http://www.theta-healing.org.uk/abouttheta.html
"By going into a theta brainwave state, the practitioner is able to command and witness the healing taking place."
I'd like to challenge whether the claim that Theta Healers can "command and witness the healing taking place" can be substantiated.
4. http://www.theta-healing.org.uk/abouttheta.html
"By learning to change your brain wave cycle into the theta state you can actually watch the Creator accomplish instantaneous physical and emotional healing. Until now, theta brain waves were believed to be accessible only in deep sleep or yogi-level meditation."
I'd like to challenge whether the claim that Theta Healers can "watch the Creator accomplish instantaneous physical... healing" can be substantiated.
I'd also like to challenge whether, when it was "discovered", Theta Healing was the only method (besides deep sleep and meditation) to achieve "theta brain waves" since, off the top of my head, I can think of half a dozen alternative methods.
5. http://www.theta-healing.org.uk/basic.html
"As well as learning to identify your own beliefs you will practice pulling them for others in the class. This practice can quickly reveal systems of belief that may take traditional psychotherapy years to uncover and goes even further by showing the body how to replace limiting beliefs or feelings with positive ones. Issues of safety are emphasised, especially when making genetic changes in the body."
I'd like to challenge whether the claims that Theta Healing is vastly superior to psychotherapy, and that Theta Healing can make "genetic changes to the body", can be substantiated.
I have captured screenshots of the website, available at the following URLs:
I confirm that I have no connections with the advertiser or with the alternative health industry."
"The website makes a number of health claims for Theta Healing (a form of hands-on healing comparable to reiki) which I suspect are misleading.
1. http://www.thetasoulhealing.com/thetahealing.html
"In 1995 Vianna Stibal, a Naturopath and Intuitive discovered that she could do instant healings. This all came about when Vianna... was diagnosed with Cancer that was destroying her right femur. Everything she had tried using conventional and alternative medicine had failed. Then she discovered that the simple technique she used in intuitive readings could heal. Her leg was healed instantly."
I'd like to challenge whether the advertisers can substantiate their claim that Theta Healing can cure cancer.
2. http://www.thetasoulhealing.com/thetahealing.html
"Curious to understand why the technique was working so well, Vianna found the help of a Physicist and they used an Electrocephalogram (E.E.G) to discover that the simple technique tapped into Theta waves."
I'd like to challenge whether the claims that Theta healing works "so well" and that Theta Healing has been validated by science are misleading.
3. http://www.thetasoulhealing.com/thetahealing.html
"Vianna went on to treat many thousands of clients successfully..."
I challenge whether the claim that Stibal has treated "many thousands of clients successfully" can be substantiated.
4. http://www.thetasoulhealing.com/thetahealing.html
"Theta healing works by accessing the natural Theta Brain Waves that links us to the subconscious part of our minds... This gives us the ability to find the root causes of our issues or illnesses, as without finding these, our issues reappear again and again."
I challenge whether the claims that Theta Healing can "give us the ability to find the root causes of our...illnesses" and that without Theta Healing, "our issues reappear again and again" are misleading.
5. http://www.thetasoulhealing.com/thetahealing.html
"The reason Theta Healing is so effective is..."
I challenge whether the claim that Theta Healing is "so effective" is misleading.
6. http://www.thetasoulhealing.com/thetahealing.html
"Theta healing is different because although issues are highlighted by the practitioner, the actual work in releasing the issues and creating change is done directly from the Creator of all that is and not through the Practitioner at all."
I challenge whether the claim that Theta Healing is performed not by the practitioner, but by "the Creator of all" is misleading, because I worry that ordinary consumers might interpret it as a claim for efficacy.
7. http://www.thetasoulhealing.com/thetahealing.html
"THETA HEALING CAN HELP YOU WITH THE FOLLOWING AREAS OF YOUR LIFE... Health and Well Being: With Theta Healing you can scan the body and identify the location of a dis-ease. Then the root cause of the dis-ease is found through listening to the clients life and experiences."
I challenge whether the claim that Theta Healers "can scan the body and identify the location of a dis-ease" and find "the root cause of the dis-ease" can be substantiated.
I have captured screenshots of the website, available at the following URLs:
I confirm that I have no connections with the advertiser or with the alternative health industry."
"The website makes a number of health claims for Theta Healing and its distant cousin, reiki, which I suspect are misleading.
1. http://www.reiki-light.co.uk/theta_healing-242.htm
"On the physical side, using Theta Healing has prevented burns and sprained ankles from occurring, healed injured knees, improved hearing, facilitated people to walk again, and has been successfully used in working with degenerative and debilitating diseases such [as] Aids and Cancer."
I'd like to challenge whether the advertiser can substantiate her claims that Theta Healing has been "successfully used in working with degenerative and debilitating diseases such [as] Aids and Cancer".
I'd also like to challenge whether the advertiser can substantiate her claims that Theta Healing can treat burns, sprained ankles and injured knees, and improve hearing and mobility.
2. http://www.reiki-light.co.uk/theta_healing-242.htm
"Theta Healing can also cure physical ailments instantly..."
I challenge whether the claim that Theta Healing can "cure physical ailments instantly" can be substantiated.
3. http://www.reiki-light.co.uk/theta_healing-242.htm
"Theta Healing was developed over a 10-year period by Vianna Stibal... During a session with a client, Vianna discovered that she could command and witness the instant healing of physical ailments. At the time, she had lymphatic cancer that was destroying her right femur. She had tried all the conventional methods and some alternative therapies as well. When she applied her new discovery to her cancer, her leg was healed instantly - it immediately returned to normal length, the swelling went down, and the cancer disappeared - instantaneously!"
I challenge whether the claim that Theta Healing can cure cancer "instantly" or "instantaneously" can be substantiated.
4. http://www.reiki-light.co.uk/theta_healing-242.htm
"The Scientific Evidence - Curious to know why her technique was working, Vianna enlisted the help of a physicist... In addition, more and more books are now being published that confirm and validate that the Theta brainwave gives us access to both our subconscious mind AND allows us to tap into this level this higher level of consciousness."
I'd like to challenge whether the claim that Theta Healing has been validated by science is misleading, because I understand there are no rigorous clinical trials available to support claims of efficacy.
5. http://www.reiki-light.co.uk/Benefits_of_Reiki-246.htm
"Some Benefits of Reiki - Below is a list of some of the benefits of Reiki... Helps with depression... Strengthens and supports the immune system... Releases toxins... Helps to relieve pain... Relieves headaches including migraines... Relieves conditions such as arthritis and rheumatisim... Promotes healing for all acute illness or injury... Promotes healing for all chronic illness e.g. asthma/eczema... Helps with insomnia, thereby aiding better sleep... Reduces blood pressure... Reduces the need for alcohol and drugs... Helps with addictions... Raises the vibration within the body... Beneficial to all animals..."
I'd like to challenge whether the advertiser can substantiate her claims that reiki can treat clinical depression, migraines, arthritis, rheumatism, "all acute illness or injur[ies]", "all chronic illness", asthma, eczema, insomnia and addictions, and that reiki "reduces the need for alcohol and drugs", relieves pain, releases toxins, reduces blood pressure, improves the immune system and is "beneficial to all animals".
I have captured screenshots of the website, available at the following URLs:
I confirm that I have no connections with the advertiser or with the alternative health industry."
"The website makes a number of health claims for Theta Healing (a form of hands-on healing comparable to reiki) which I suspect are misleading.
1. http://www.thetalondon.com/
"WHERE DOES THETA HEALING COME FROM? In 1995 Vianna Stibal a Naturopath, Massage Therapist, and Intuitive Reader discovered that the way she did Readings could help with instant healings. Vianna... was diagnosed with cancer that was quickly destroying her right femur. Everything she had tried using conventional and alternative medicine had failed. Then she discovered that the simple technique she used in Readings could heal and her leg was instantaneously healed... Later it was discovered that the technique utilized a Theta and Gamma wave to achieve an instant healing..."
I'd like to challenge whether the advertiser can substantiate her claim that Theta Healing can cure cancer "instantaneously".
2. http://www.thetalondon.com/
"WHAT CAN THETA HEALING DO?... perform body scans to see what is going on with your body and why ailments are manifesting... Other areas can include: Addictions - Allergies - Anger Management - Anxiety - Bereavement - Commitment Phobia - Confidence - Depression - Drug Abuse - Emotional Issues - Fears - Guilt - Health Issues - Jealousy - Loneliness - Motivation - Negative Emotions and Thoughts - Obsessions - Panic Attacks - Personal Development - Phobias - Rejection - Self-Confidence - Sexual Issues - Shame - Shyness - Stage Fright - Stress - Trauma - Unhappiness - Worry."
I'd like to challenge whether the advertiser can substantiate her claims that Theta Healers can "perform body scans to see what is going on with your body and why ailments are manifesting" and that Theta Healing can treat addictions, allergies, depression, drug abuse, health issues, panic attacks and "sexual issues".
3. http://www.thetalondon.com/
"By lowering the brain's frequency to include a theta brain wave, it becomes possible to select information recorded in the DNA... ThetaHealing™ is a technique that helps us to consciously choose which DNA should be 'switched on' and which should be 'switch off'. This means that we can actively reprogramme cellular information to release outdated information and in its place install or activate better instructions... ThetaHealing™ is such an easy technique, that children as young as six are using it with results!"
I'd like to challenge whether the advertiser can substantiate her claims that Theta Healers can "select information recorded in the DNA", "consciously choose which DNA should be switched on and which should be switched off", "actively reprogramme cellular information" and "activate better instructions".
I'd also like to challenge whether the claim that "children are young as six" are using Theta Healing "with results" is misleading.
I have captured screenshots of the website, available at the following URLs:
I confirm that I have no connections with the advertiser or with the alternative health industry."
Theta Healing Awareness Week (Part 2)
On the subject of Theta Healing, a recent visitor to the blog has written to say
"Thank you very much for the additional exposure! The more people hear about Theta Healing, the more that are likely to benefit from it. There is, as you know, no such thing as bad publicity..."
Well, I'm a big fan of Vianna Stibal's magical finger therapy, so I'm happy to help.
I've decided that this week is going to be the First Annual "Theta Healing Awareness Week".
To help publicise the event, here is some extra "additional exposure" in the shape of dozens of new ASA/Trading Standards complaints. Feel free to join in the fun!
"The website makes a number of testimonial claims for Theta Healing (a form of hands-on healing comparable to reiki) which I suspect are misleading.
I'd like to challenge whether the testimonial claims (that Theta Healing can cure diabetes and clinical depression, treat high blood sugar levels, high blood pressure and panic attacks, and cause weight loss of 4lbs a week) are misleading.
I'd also like to challenge whether the advertisers' "intuitive body scans", apparently conducted over the phone, can reveal "physical problems".
1. http://www.thetadna.co.uk/treatments.htm
"In the last 3 weeks my whole life has turned around. Since you gave me those body scans I have realised what I have been doing to myself, my body... Blood tests show that my sugar levels have returned to normal so no more diabetes, Thank you. Nicola"
2. http://www.thetadna.co.uk/treatments.htm
"Thank you, Wendy and David. I've just got back from seeing the nurse for blood results. After years struggling with blood sugar levels, they are now back to normal. Loving myself as you taught me has got rid of the diabetes."
3. http://www.thetadna.co.uk/treatments.htm
"What did you do to me last week? Theta Healing? I feel great. No more grumpy moods and I've lost 4lbs! Mary W"
4. http://www.thetadna.co.uk/treatments.htm
"Wow, what did you do to me last week? I telephoned my psychiatrist and came off my antidepressants. I feel so good. Sue O."
5. http://www.thetadna.co.uk/treatments.htm
"No more panic attacks. I even went Christmas shopping in London. I feel great thanks to Theta Healing. Judith S"
6. http://www.thetadna.co.uk/treatments.htm
"... Oh been to the docs too, my blood pressure has gone from 145/98 to 113/79 - I thank you for the healing you gave me xx The doc is very pleased but a little confused at how come so quicky."
7. http://www.thetadna.co.uk/bodyscans.htm
"intuitive body scans... An intuitive body scan reveals how your mind is affecting your body. Although physical problems may be revealed, the scan mainly picks up on mental and emotional issues, for example, fears, feelings of being stuck or trapped, feelings of being burdened or being under attack."
I have captured screenshots of the website, available at the following URLs:
I confirm that I have no connections with the advertiser or with the alternative health industry."
"The website makes a number of health claims for Theta Healing (a form of hands-on healing comparable to reiki) which I suspect are misleading.
1. http://www.liberate-online.co.uk/Theta-Healing.aspx
"Theta Healing was developed by a lady called Vianna Stibal in 1995... She had been diagnosed with cancer of her right leg and all conventional and alternative therapies had failed to bring about healing. Fortunately, she discovered that the “connection” technique she used for her readings altered her brain wave frequencies sufficiently for her to allow the Creator to work through her and heal her leg. She was cured instantly and went on to develop her techniques and teach them to others."
I'd like to challenge whether the advertiser can substantiate her claim that Theta Healing can "cure" cancer "instantly".
2. http://www.liberate-online.co.uk/Theta-Healing.aspx
"Theta Healing is simple and gentle and as with all of her work, theta healing can be done with Dawn Paul remotely over the telephone for those not based in the UK."
I challenge whether the claim that Theta Healing can be delievered "remotely over the phone" is misleading.
3. http://www.liberate-online.co.uk/Benefits.aspx
"Benefits of Shamanic Healing Techniques, Soul Retrieval and Theta Healing... Understand the root cause behind physical illness and heal it... Heal yourself, your ancestors and future generations... Enable the body to heal from physical injury or ailment... Remove and heal the need for dependencies... Prevent future illness/disease..."
I'd like to challenge whether the advertiser can substantiate her claims that Theta Healing can help you "Understand the root cause behind physical illness and heal it", "heal yourself, your ancestors and future generations", "enable the body to heal from physical injury or ailment", "remove and heal the need for dependencies" and "prevent future illness/disease".
4. http://www.liberate-online.co.uk/Articles/Irritable-Bowel-Syndrome.aspx
"“I have suffered from severe IBS, social phobia, anxiety, panic attacks and fatigue to name but a few of my complaints. I had become housebound and had not lived my life for many years. Over the years I have tried various therapies, but none of them really helped or some of them only making me feel a little better temporarily (some even made me feel worse!). Feeling desperate I turned to Dawn for help. I found the Shamanic Healing and Soul Retrieval to be positive and fun. Healing work with Dawn was very encouraging and deeply effective. I always felt guided in the right healing path. Soon I started to feel something shifting within me. Healing was very gentle but definite and deep and on-going. Now I feel so much calmer, grounded and at peace. I have also had sleeping problems all my life but I sleep much better and deeper now. I feel positive, more relaxed and have more energy. My everyday IBS is gone (only minor hiccups occasionally, when work gets extremely stressful), and I am no longer scared of people. I can at last start to enjoy life again. Thank you so much for your help, Dawn!”"
I'd like to challenge whether the advertiser's claim of a cure for IBS with her "Shamanic Healing and Soul Retrieval" therapy, which the customer describes as "deeply effective", is misleading.
I have captured screenshots of the website, available at the following URLs:
I confirm that I have no connections with the advertiser or with the alternative health industry."
"The website makes a number of testimonial claims for Theta Healing (a form of hands-on healing comparable to reiki) which I suspect are misleading.
I'd like to challenge whether the advertiser's claims of a cure for astigmatism and chronic headaches (over 31 years) are misleading, because I understand that there's no clinical evidence available to support any of the claims made by proponents of Theta Healing.
1. http://www.scotlandthetahealing.co.uk/Testimonials.html
"before doing these courses I wore glasses every day for the last four years in order to see and correct an astigmatism. I now do not wear glasses at all."
2. http://www.scotlandthetahealing.co.uk/Testimonials.html
"Thankyou for your excellent support, i cannot believe how easy it has been to be pain free after 31 years of "daily headaches... many thanks Morag.xx"
I have captured screenshots of the website, available at the following URLs:
I confirm that I have no connections with the advertiser or with the alternative health industry."
"The website makes a number of health claims for Theta Healing (a form of hands-on healing comparable to reiki) which I suspect are misleading.
1. http://www.thetahealingacademy.com/origins-of-theta-healing.html
"In 1995 Vianna Stibal a Naturopath, Massage Therapist, and Intuitive Reader discovered that the way she did Readings could do an instant healing. Vianna, a mother of three young children was diagnosed with cancer that was quickly destroying her right femur. Everything she had tried using conventional and alternative medicine had failed. Then she discovered that the simple technique she used in Readings could heal. Her leg was instantaneously healed. She added this knowledge to her sessions with clients and in the classes she was teaching. Curious to understand why the technique was working, Vianna solicited the help of a physicist and with an electrocephalograph discovered that the simple technique tapped Theta waves."
I'd like to challenge whether the advertisers can substantiate their claim that Theta Healing can cure cancer.
2. http://www.thetahealingacademy.com/origins-of-theta-healing.html
"Over many years of practicing the technique, Vianna believes the technique utilizes a Theta wave to achieve an instant healing. Through thousands of clients she discovered not only an amazing way to connect with the creative energy that moves in all things, but that this energy could change instantly Beliefs and Feelings that are linked to sickness."
I challenge whether the advertisers can substantiate their claim that Theta Healing can achieve an "instant healing" of "sickness".
3. http://www.thetahealingacademy.com/index.html
"Discover one of the most powerful energy healing techniques in the world! Theta healing® has been called an ‘attainable miracle for your life’..."
I challenge whether the claim that Theta Healing is "one of the most powerful energy healing techniques in the world" is misleading, because I understand there's no clinical evidence supporting any of the claims proponents of Theta Healing tend to make.
I have captured screenshots of the website, available at the following URLs:
I confirm that I have no connections with the advertiser or with the alternative health industry."
"The website makes a number of health claims for Theta Healing (a form of hands-on healing comparable to reiki) and for a detox product which I suspect are misleading.
1. http://www.bourgeon.co.uk/vianna-stibal.html
"In 1995 Vianna Stibal founded Theta Healing® when she received an instant healing from cancer through the 'Creator of All That Is'...
Vianna... was diagnosed with cancer that was destroying her right femur. Everything she had tried using conventional and alternative medicine had failed. Vianna... learnt that she could also witness physical healings... This technique utilises a Theta and Gamma wave achieving an instant healing. Through thousands of clients she discovered not only an amazing way to connect with the creative energy that moves in all things, but that this energy could instantly change beliefs and feelings that are linked to sickness... After she was healed from cancer..."
I'd like to challenge whether the advertisers can substantiate their claims that Theta Healing can cure cancer and achieve "an instant healing".
2. http://www.bourgeon.co.uk/disease--disorder-.html
"Theta Healing® Disease & Disorder Training Course - The Disease & Disorders course was created as a result of Vianna's healing sessions over the years. Having worked with thousands of clients with various diseases and illnesses, she learned that diseases have their own personalities and related belief systems, and that people with similar belief systems sometimes attract these diseases. She also learned that her dislikes or fears of a disease often prevented her from being able to heal the disease in others."
I'd like to challenge whether the claims that "diseases have their own personalities and related belief systems, and that people similar belief systems sometimes attract these diseases" and that "dislikes or fears of a disease often prevented [Stibal] from being able to heal the disease in others" are misleading.
3. http://www.bourgeon.co.uk/vianna-stibal.html
"Theta Healing may help you with... Depression... Fertility... Health Issures... Insomnia... Weight Loss..."
I'd like to challenge whether the claims that Theta Healing "may help you with" depression, fertility, health issues, insomnia and weight loss can be substantiated.
4. http://www.bourgeon.co.uk/segiun-detox-patches.html
"Benefits of the Segiun Detox Patches... The original, authentic and most safest detox patch in aiding removal of metalic toxins... Eliminates toxins..."
I'd like to challenge whether the claims that Segiun Detox Patches are the "most safest [sic] detox patch in aiding removal of metalic [sic] toxins" can be substantiated.
5. http://www.bourgeon.co.uk/testimonials.html
"Even friends and family have noticed the difference! I am a much calmer person now, have addressed issues and beliefs that have I have held for a long time ie weight - have lost almost 2 stone since the course in March and am still work in progress! My back problems are also improving thanks to Theta [Healing] - I am virtually off pain killers now, there have been other improvements as well and I continually work on myself."
I'd like to challenge whether the testimonial claim that Theta Healing can cause considerable weight loss ("almost 2 stone since the course in March") and that Theta Healing can "virtually" eliminate chronic pain are misleading.
I have captured screenshots of the website, available at the following URLs:
I confirm that I have no connections with the advertiser or with the alternative health industry."
Theta Healing Awareness Week (Part 1)
On the subject of Theta Healing, a recent visitor to the blog has written to say
"Thank you very much for the additional exposure! The more people hear about Theta Healing, the more that are likely to benefit from it. There is, as you know, no such thing as bad publicity..."
Well, I'm a big fan of Vianna Stibal's magical finger therapy, so I'm happy to help.
I've decided that this week is going to be the First Annual "Theta Healing Awareness Week".
To help publicise the event, here is some extra "additional exposure" in the shape of dozens of new ASA/Trading Standards complaints. Feel free to join in the fun!
"The website makes a number of health claims for Theta Healing (a form of hands-on healing comparable to reiki) which I suspect are misleading.
1. http://www.thetahealinguk.co.uk/about-us/our-team
"Kristen witnessed incredible instant healings [sic] with the women in Africa that ranged from a crippled woman being able to walk without a walking stick after the healing, to a woman who was able to sleep on her side for the first time in four years after the pain of her ulcers was cleared from the healing."
I challenge whether the advertisers can substantiate their claims that Theta Healing can cure a "crippled woman" and "clear" the "pain of ulcers".
2. http://www.thetahealinguk.co.uk/theta-healing/how-can-i-benefit-from-theta-healing
"Other areas Theta Healing can help... Addictions... Allergies... Depression... Drug Abuse..."
I challenge whether the claims that Theta Healing "can help" with addictions, allergies, depression and drug abuse can be substantiated.
3. http://www.thetahealinguk.co.uk/theta-healing/vianna-stibal
"In 1995 Vianna Stibal, a Naturopath, Massage Therapist, and Intuitive Reader, discovered that the way she did Readings could do an instant healing. Vianna, a mother of three young children, was diagnosed with cancer that was quickly destroying her right femur. Everything she had tried using conventional and alternative medicine had failed. Then she discovered that the simple technique she used in Readings could heal. Her leg was instantaneously healed. She added this healing knowledge to her sessions with clients and in the classes she was teaching."
I challenge whether the claim that Theta Healing can cure cancer can be substantiated, whether it is misleading, whether it is irresponsible, and whether it might discourage essential treatment.
4. http://www.thetahealinguk.co.uk/theta-healing/vianna-stibal
"Curious to understand why the technique was working, Vianna solicited the help of a physicist and with an electroencephalograph discovered that the simple technique tapped Theta waves. Over many years, it was discovered that the technique utilised a Theta and Gamma wave achieving an instant healing."
I challenge whether the claim that Theta Healing has been validated by science is misleading, and whether it can be substantiated.
5. http://www.thetahealinguk.co.uk/courses/disease-disorder
"This course teaches the healer how to recognize [sic] all energies as being equal and how to heal without believing that “a headache is easier to heal than cancer” (for example)."
I challenge whether the implied claim that Theta Healing can cure cancer as easily as it can cure a headache is misleading.
6. http://www.thetahealinguk.co.uk/courses/dna-3
"The Course curriculum... Changing the Molecular Structure of Water... Telekinesis - Moving [an] Object...Healing any Illness"
I challenge whether the claims that this course can teach how to change "the Molecular Structure of Water", how to move objects through telekinesis [through the power of the mind alone] and how to heal any illness is misleading.
7. http://www.thetahealinguk.co.uk/testimonials?phpMyAdmin=2b4c49778607t2bdac405
"In January 2010, a medical scan revealed a large fibroid in my womb. I was scheduled for surgery in March to remove it, and being a Theta Healing practitioner, I was determined to heal the fibroid rather than go through a major surgery. I was scheduled in for a follow-up scan in February to check the growth of the fibroid. Leading up to the scan I did extensive self-healing and also had a one-to-one session with Kris the week before my scan. I'm delighted to report that my scan was last week and it's all clear!! My doctor's words were "the fibroid is so small it's not showing up on the scan". My surgery has been canceled, everyone I know has been trying to wrap their heads around it, I am speechless!"
I challenge whether this testimonial claim of a cure for a condition requiring surgery is misleading and whether it might discourage essential treatment.
I have captured screenshots of the website, available at the following URLs:
I confirm that I have no connections with the advertiser or with the alternative health industry."
"The website makes a number of health claims for Theta Healing (a form of hands-on healing comparable to reiki) which I suspect are misleading.
1. http://www.thetahealinguk.com/can_it_help_you.htm
"What problems can Theta Healing help with?
Theta healing can help with any type of problem."
2. http://www.thetahealinguk.com/can_it_help_you.htm
"Examples of problems that Theta Healing can help with are: Shyness, lack of confidence... Stress, anxiety, panic attacks... Self-esteem issues... Depression... Relationship problems... Physical problems... Eating disorders and body-image problems... Weight control... Sexual problems... Money problems... Fear of public speaking... Compulsive behaviours... Phobias... Allergies..."
I'd like to challenge whether the advertiser can substantiate her claims that Theta Healing can "help with" depression, eating disorders, weight control, allergies or "any type of problem".
I have captured screenshots of the website, available at the following URLs:
I confirm that I have no connections with the advertiser or with the alternative health industry."
"The website makes a number of health claims for Theta Healing (a form of hands-on healing comparable to reiki) which I suspect are misleading.
1. http://www.dnathetahealing.co.uk/site/pages/about-rosemary.php
"In 1996 in Idaho, USA I was privileged to meet an amazing lady who has since become a dear friend. Her name is Vianna Stibal... Vianna had been diagnosed with a malignant tumor in her right leg. The biopsy took it's [sic] toll and weeks of extreme discomfort followed... The doctors claimed that the best option to save her life was to amputate her leg. However, Vianna realised that as she could heal others, so she should heal herself... she commanded a healing on herself... As time passed her leg returned to normal and there was no sign of cancer."
I'd like to challenge whether the advertiser can substantiate her claim that Theta Healing can cure cancer.
I have captured screenshots of the website, available at the following URLs:
I confirm that I have no connections with the advertiser or with the alternative health industry."
"The website makes a number of health claims for Theta Healing (a form of hands-on healing comparable to reiki) which I suspect are misleading.
1. http://www.onharleystreet.co.uk/theta-healing/
"Theta Healing is an amazing modality which is sweeping the Nation and the World. This is the most effective healing I have found."
I'd like to challenge whether the advertiser's suggestion that Theta Healing is "the most effective [form of] healing" is misleading.
2. http://www.onharleystreet.co.uk/theta-healing/
"Sometimes, Doctors and other health care professionals work with Client’s [sic] for a long time until they run out of ideas and resources to no avail. It has been discovered that the problem often lies within a belief that is stored within the sub-conscious mind that is preventing healing from taking place. This is where Theta Healing is useful and effective because, through this method, the belief can be discovered and changed."
I challenge whether the claim that Theta Healing is "useful and effective" for conditions usually treated by "Doctors...for a long time" can be substantiated.
I'd also like to challenge whether the claim that "Doctors...run out of ideas and resources" when treating serious illnesses, because these illnesses are caused by "a belief that is stored within the sub-conscious mind that is preventing healing from taking place", and that this fact has been "discovered", might discourage essential treatment; since it seems to be implying that Theta Healing is more effective than orthodox medicine.
3. http://www.onharleystreet.co.uk/theta-healing/
"Scientific studies have been found to suggest that the Mind, Body and Spirit are all interconnected. Theta Healing works by changing the cellular structure of the body to hold new thoughts, feelings and beliefs. Each time a negative feeling or emotion is released, it is replaced with a positive belief or emotion in order to balance the body to achieve an optimum result."
I'd like to challenge whether the claim that "Theta Healing works by changing the cellular structure of the body" is misleading.
I have captured screenshots of the website, available at the following URLs:
I confirm that I have no connections with the advertiser or with the alternative health industry."
"The website makes a number of health claims for Theta Healing (a form of hands-on healing comparable to reiki) which I suspect are misleading.
1. http://www.thetamiracles.co.uk/thetahealing.php
"In 1995 Vianna Stibal... discovered that the way she did Readings was achieving instant healings [sic]. Vianna... was diagnosed with cancer... Everything she tried using conventional and alternative medicine had failed. Then she tried a simple technique she used in Readings and her leg was instantaneously healed..."
I'd like to challenge whether the advertisers can substantiate their claims that Theta Healing can cure cancer "instantaneously". I'd like to challenge whether this claim is misleading, irresponsible, and could discourage essential treatment.
2. http://www.thetamiracles.co.uk/thetahealing.php
"COMMANDING A HEALING Theta Healers do not do a ‘healing’ themselves... This can be healing a physical condition... the healer ‘commands’ the healing to take place. The healer then becomes the ‘observer’ to the healing happening. WITNESSING THE HEALING By observing the ‘healing’ taking place brings the ‘healing’ into reality..."
I challenge whether the claim that Theta Healing can "[heal] a physical condition", the claim that practitioners "command... the healing to take place", the claim that the practitioner "becomes the observer to the healing happening" and the claim that the practitioner "by observing the healing taking place brings the healing into reality" are misleading.
3. http://www.thetamiracles.co.uk/thetahealing.php
"Since Theta Healing was first discovered thousands of people have benefited from this healing system..."
I'd like to challenge whether the claim is misleading, and whether it can be substantiated.
4. http://www.thetamiracles.co.uk/thetahealing.php
"Theta Healing is the healing system of the 21st century. It takes healing to a new level... inherited conditions... can be healed..."
I'd like to challenge whether the claims "Theta Healing is the healing system of the 21st century" and "It takes healing to a new level" are misleading, because I understand there's no clinical evidence available for Theta Healing.
I'd like to challenge whether the claim that Theta Healing can heal "inherited conditions" can be substantiated.
5. http://www.thetamiracles.co.uk/thetahealing.php
"It is now generally accepted that most physical health problems are related to a belief system that the mind holds... By identifying and changing these beliefs and feelings with Theta Healing the underlying cause of an illness/disease can be removed... Once these beliefs and emotions have been corrected with Theta Healing it is possible for the illnesses and diseases to heal, in some cases instantly."
I'd like to challenge whether "It is now generally accepted that most physical health problems are related to a belief system that the mind holds" is misleading, since I understand that most health problems are not caused by negative thoughts.
I'd like to challenge whether the claims that Theta Healing can "remove" the "underlying cause of an illness/disease" and that it is "possible for the illnesses and diseases to heal, in some cases instantly" can be substantiated, and whether they are misleading.
6. http://www.thetamiracles.co.uk/testimonials.php
"...I am amazed to say that my Osteoarthritis has lessened to such a degree that I have managed to cut back on my pain medication by between 50 to 60%..."
I'd like to challenge whether the testimonial claim of an effective treatment for Osteoarthritis is misleading.
7. http://www.thetamiracles.co.uk/shop.php
"In 1995, Vianna Stibal... was diagnosed with a serious health condition. Everything she had tried using conventional and alternative medicine had failed, until she employed a simple technique... Amazed that she had cured herself instantaneously..."
I'd like to challenge whether this claim exaggerates the accuracy and scientific validity of the book.
I have captured screenshots of the website, available at the following URLs:
I confirm that I have no connections with the advertiser or with the alternative health industry."
Thursday, 2 June 2011
Elizabeth Francis and Friends
A year ago the woo magazines were awash with adverts for psychics and tarot readers claiming to be "accurate".
Their numbers are thinner on the ground now, but there are still a few of them buzzing around like irritating little mosquitoes.
Here are seven "accurate" psychics, starting with the serial offender pictured above, Elizabeth Francis.
ELIZABETH FRANCIS (advert available here)
"I'm writing to complain about an advert in Spirit and Destiny magazine (May 2011, p91).
The advert, for Elizabeth Francis, promotes a psychic telephone service.
1. "Elizabeth Francis - Psychic - Medium - Tarot - Accurate & No-nonsense..."
I'd like to challenge whether the claim that Elizabeth Francis's psychic services are "accurate" is misleading.
I can confirm that I have no connections with the advertiser."
JILLIAN LANE (advert available here)
"I'm writing to complain about an advert in Spirit and Destiny magazine (May 2011, p88).
The advert, for Jillian Lane, promotes a psychic telephone service.
1. "Jillian Lane... President of accurate clairvoyants & psychics..."
I'd like to challenge whether the claim that Jillian Lane is "accurate" is misleading.
I can confirm that I have no connections with the advertiser."
LIVELINES LTD (advert available here)
"I'm writing to complain about an advert in Soul and Spirit magazine (June 2011, p12).
The advert, for LiveLines Ltd, promotes a psychic telephone service.
1. "Finest Clairvoyants - Working with the Angels, my guides & loved ones to give clear & accurate in depth [sic] readings..."
I'd like to challenge whether the claim that the readings are "accurate" is misleading.
2. "Professional Tarot - The proof you will find is by having a full and detailed reading to see how astonishingly precise our readers really are..."
I'd like to challenge whether the claim that the readings are "astonishingly precise" is misleading.
I can confirm that I have no connections with the advertiser."
"MARIA" (advert available here)
"I'm writing to complain about an advert in Spirit and Destiny magazine (May 2011, p92).
The advert, for "Maria", promotes a psychic telephone service.
1. "Maria - Caring, Compassionate, Wise Woman - Natural Psychic... Speak to Maria for Sincere, Personal and Very Accurate Readings..."
I'd like to challenge whether the claim that "Maria"'s psychic readings are "very accurate" is misleading.
I can confirm that I have no connections with the advertiser."
RJ MEDIA (advert available here)
"I'm writing to complain about an advert in Soul and Spirit magazine (June 2011, p86).
The advert, for RJ Media, promotes a psychic telephone service.
1. "Psychic Tarot NEW SERVICE... Genuine Accurate Readings..."
I'd like to challenge whether the claim that the readings are "accurate" is misleading.
I can confirm that I have no connections with the advertiser."
"TRUTH FAIRY" (advert available here)
"I'm writing to complain about an advert in Spirit and Destiny magazine (May 2011, p88).
The advert, for www.truth-fairy.com, promotes a psychic telephone service.
1. "Really shocking! Everything she said was very accurate to the point that I couldn't believe it..."
I'd like to challenge whether the testimonial claim that the service is "very accurate" is misleading.
I can confirm that I have no connections with the advertiser."
PSYCHIC LIGHT (advert available here)
"I'm writing to complain about an advert in Kindred Spirit magazine (Issue 110, May/June 2011, p83).
The advert, for Psychic Light, promotes a psychic telephone service.
1. "Psychic Light - 'KNOW YOUR FUTURE - UNDERSTAND YOUR PAST' - Accurate readings with genuine and gifted psychics..."
I'd like to challenge whether the claim that the advertiser's psychics can provide "Accurate readings" is misleading.
I can confirm that I have no connections with the advertiser."
The Circle of Raphael (part 2)
Following a recent ASA adjudication, the shameless Circle of Raphael - a company operating out of a PO Box in Cornwall - have continued to sell their Talisman of the Seven Angels.
Publicity about the adverse ruling travelled as far as the Daily Torygraph, so it's quite surprising to see the same advertisers back using the same old false claims.
The useless trinket is now claimed to bring "Good fortune in games of chance" - another clear breach of the advertising regulations, if you want my opinion - so it's back to the ASA with another complaint.
"I'm writing to complain about an advert in Spirit and Destiny magazine (May 2011, p87).
The advert, for the Circle of Raphael, promotes a product, the "Talisman of the Seven Angels", upon which the ASA Council have recently adjudicated.
1. "To fulfil their own spiritual destiny, Angels need to give of themselves and assist anyone who requests their help. However, they first need you to personally invite them into your life so they can fulfil their divine purpose. The most direct and successful way of inviting Angels into your life is to simply wear or carry this holy Angelic pendant... Zadkiel - Good fortune in games of chance..."
I'd like to challenge whether the claim that the Talisman is the "most direct and successful way of inviting Angels into your life" in order to experience "Good fortune in games of chance" is misleading.
I can confirm that I have no connections with the advertiser."
Nexus Magazine's Misleading Health Claims
That crazy Nexus Magazine - a journal of conspiracy theories, pseudoscience and possibly fictional accounts of alien kidnappings - is genuinely one of my favourite publications.
Many of the articles they publish are dangerously misinformed. You'll hear no complaints from me - freedom of expression, and all that.
However, the magazine has a profitable sideline in the form of a mail-order service. The service sells a range of books, films and info packs likely to appeal to the rag's credulous readers.
A handful of the books are sold using false and misleading health claims, a practice which simply has to stop. Regular readers will recognise this bullshit synopsis of a book by vaccine denialist Wendy Lydall.
"Since its inception in 1795 by Edward Jenner, vaccination has been an unscientific, commercially-based procedure..."
Worse still are these claims of a cure for cancer, breast cancer multiple sclerosis.
"ESSIAC FOR CANCER... Includes reprints of articles describing the properties of ESSIAC (a Canadian Indian remedy for cancer) with details on how to make the recipe..."
"WHAT REALLY CAUSES MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS by Harold D. Foster... The causes of MS are generally known. The prevention and treatment of MS is not. This well referenced [sic] book presents new conclusions about this baffling condition: how diet is implicated, what deficiencies contribute to it and the treatment to reverse it"
"IODINE - Why you need it - Why you can't live without it... See how iodine can help: breast cancer, fibrocystic breast disease, detoxification... Grave's disease and Hashimoto's disease... Find out why iodine deficiency may be the root cause of thyroid problems including...thyroid cancer... "
It's a breach of the advertising regulations to exaggerate the scientific validity of a book. Here are four ASA complaints detailing what I suspect are Nexus Magazine's numerous breaches of the CAP Code.
WENDY LYDALL (advert available here)
"I'm writing to complain about an advert in the UK edition of Nexus magazine (Apr-May 2011, p81).
The advert promotes the book "RAISING A VACCINE FREE CHILD" by Wendy Lydall, which is available through the magazine's own mail-order service.
1. "Vaccination is presented to parents as a safe, scientific procedure, which no responsible parent would query. But an increasing number of parents are questioning the validity of this 200 year old ritual. The vaccine industry has responded to this skepticism [sic] by introducing coercive measures in many countries in order to achieve compliance. Since its inception in 1795 by Edward Jenner, vaccination has been an unscientific, commercially-based procedure, which is aligned with powerful pharmaceutical interests... In this book Wendy Lydall presents a comprehensive, scientifically-base guide to the myths, facts, problems and solutions associated with raising a vaccine free child."
I'd like to challenge whether the claim "The vaccine industry has responded to this skepticism [sic] by introducing coercive measures in many countries in order to achieve compliance" is misleading and whether it can be substantiated.
I'd also like to challenge whether the claims "Since its inception in 1795 by Edward Jenner, vaccination has been an unscientific... procedure" and "In this book, Wendy Lydall presents a comprehensive, scientifically-based guide to the myths, facts, problems and solutions associated with raising a vaccine free child" exaggerate the scientific accuracy of the book.
I can confirm that I have no connections with the advertiser or with the alternative medicine industry in general."
DAVID BROWNSTEIN M.D. (advert available here)
"I'm writing to complain about an advert in the UK edition of Nexus magazine (Apr-May 2011, p66).
The advert promotes a book available through the magazine's own mail-order service.
1. "IODINE - Why you need it - Why you can't live without it... See how iodine can help: breast cancer, fibrocystic breast disease, detoxification... Grave's disease and Hashimoto's disease... Find out why iodine deficiency may be the root cause of thyroid problems including...thyroid cancer... 'I have yet to see any item that is more important to [sic] promoting health or optimizing the function of the immune system than iodine' - the author"
I'd like to challenge whether the claims of treatment for various cancers and other named diseases exaggerate the accuray of the book.
I can confirm that I have no connections with the advertiser."
HAROLD D FOSTER (advert available here)
"I'm writing to complain about an advert in the UK edition of Nexus magazine (Apr-May 2011, p82).
The advert promotes a book available through the magazine's own mail-order service.
1. "WHAT REALLY CAUSES MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS by Harold D. Foster... The causes of MS are generally known. The prevention and treatment of MS is not. This well referenced [sic] book presents new conclusions about this baffling condition: how diet is implicated, what deficiencies contribute to it and the treatment to reverse it"
I'd like to challenge whether the claim "the treatment to reverse [Multiple Sclerosis]" exaggerates the scientific accuracy of the book.
I can confirm that I have no connections with the advertiser or with the alternative medicine industry in general."
RENE CAISEE (advert available here)
"I'm writing to complain about an advert in the UK edition of Nexus magazine (Apr-May 2011, p84).
The advert promotes an "INFOPACK" available through the magazine's own mail-order service.
1. "ESSIAC FOR CANCER - Numerous articles, newspaper clippings and letters on the work and developments of Rene Caisee R.N. Includes reprints of articles describing the properties of ESSIAC (a Canadian Indian remedy for cancer) with details on how to make the recipe..."
I'd like to challenge whether the claim that the book contains "details on how to make the recipe" for a "Canadian Indian remedy for cancer" exaggerates the scientific accuracy of the book.
I can confirm that I have no connections with the advertiser or with the alternative medicine industry in general."
Homeopathic Hair Analysis
My favourite adverts are those that take two unrelated delusions and tie them together in a brilliantly creative way.
Such an advert (available here) appeared in the the April edition of Nexus Magazine. The advertiser is anonymous, so here's another gratuitous photo of a different kind of hare.
The advert promotes a hair analysis service. Send them your locks, and they'll find the correct homoeopathic remedy for you.
"PERSONALISED HOMOEOPATHIC REMEDIES by hair analysis £60.00. Clinic visit not required. Second and subsequent analysis every 2 months £30.00 per analysis and remedies. Please call 00845 862 178 for protocol"
ASA complaint follows!
"I'm writing to complain about an advert in the UK edition of Nexus magazine (Apr-May 2011, p76).
The advert promotes a hair analysis service.
1. "PERSONALISED HOMOEOPATHIC REMEDIES by hair analysis £60.00. Clinic visit not required. Second and subsequent analysis every 2 months £30.00 per analysis and remedies. Please call 00845 862 178 for protocol"
I'd like to challenge whether the advertiser can substantiate their claim to provide the correct homoeopathic remedy by using hair analysis.
I can confirm that I have no connections with the advertiser or with the alternative medicine industry in general."
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