Tuesday, 15 June 2010

Magic Wand Company - Wand away the pain in minutes!

This charming couple are Nina and Jerry, distributors of the Magic Wand, an amazing pain-relief device that relies on the "Zero Point Energy Field" and "Nano Technology" [sic].

Their advertisement mentions that the Magic Wand can be used on animals.

Unfortunately, because of the Veterinary Surgeons Act 1966, it's illegal for anyone except vets (and a few related groups) to "treat" animals for any reason at all.

Conveniently, Nina and Jerry have forgotten to mention this fact - let's hope that no-one buys their device hoping to use it on their beloved pet's aching paws.

Here is my complaint to the ASA.

"I write to complain about a flyer I picked up at the "Mind, Body & Spirit" festival, in London, in May this year.

The flyer promotes the "Magic Wand", a pain-relief device.

I suspect that the flyer may be in breach of seven sections of the British Code of Advertising, Sales Promotion and Direct Marketing (CAP) code. I can provide the original flyer by post, if necessary.

1. The "Magic Wand" is a pen-sized device, which the flyer claims relies on the "Zero Point Energy Field" and "Nano Technology", despite the claim that it "Doesn't Need Power".

2. Physicists use the term "Zero Point Energy" to describe the theoretical lowest energy state of a quantum mechanical system, and "Zero Point Energy Field" to describe the field associated with it [1].

3. After searches on PubMed and elsewhere, I have not been able to find any clinical trials relating to this device.

4. Under Sections 3.1 and 50.1 of the CAP Code, I challenge whether the advertiser holds documentary evidence to prove the following claims, and I challenge whether the claims are backed by evidence, where appropriate consisting of trials conducted on people:

(i) The Magic Wand causes "[pain] Relief in Minutes"
(ii) With the Magic Wand, you can "Wand Away Your Pain in Minutes"
(iii) The Magic Wand "Energizes [sic] Food" and "Energizes Water"
(iv) With the Magic Wand, "Wine Tastes Smoother" and "Lemons Taste Sweeter"

5. (i) According to The Royal College of Veterinary Science:

"The Veterinary Surgeons Act 1966 (Section 19) provides, subject to a number of exceptions, that only registered members of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons may practise veterinary surgery. 'Veterinary surgery' is defined within the Act as encompassing the 'art and science of veterinary surgery and medicine' which includes the diagnosis of diseases and injuries in animals, tests performed on animals for diagnostic purposes, advice based upon a diagnosis and surgical operations which may not necessarily form part of a treatment. These restrictions are in the interests of ensuring that animals are treated only by people qualified to do so." [2]

(ii) The flyer claims that the Magic Wand can be "Use[d] on Animals".

(iii) Therefore, under Section 2.1 of the CAP Code, I challenge whether the flyer is "legal, decent, honest and truthful".

(iv) Under Section 2.2, I challenge whether the flyer has been "prepared with a sense of responsibility to consumers and to society".

(v) Under Section 4.1, I challenge whether the flyer is legal, and whether it may incite consumers to break the law.

(vi) Under Section 6.1, I challenge whether the flyer exploits the "credulity, lack of knowledge or inexperience of consumers" by not mentioning that, under the Act, only registered veterinarians can treat animals.

(vii) Under Section 7.1, I challenge whether the flyer is likely to mislead by omission of any mention of the Veterinary Surgeons Act 1966.

6. I confirm that I have no connections with the advertiser or with the alternative medicine industry in general. I confirm that I am not involved in legal proceedings with the advertiser.

[1] Matt Visser, "What is the 'zero-point energy' (or 'vacuum energy') in quantum physics?", Scientific American Magazine, August 18, 1997 (http://homepages.mcs.vuw.ac.nz/~visser/general.shtml#what-zpe)

[2] http://www.rcvs.org.uk/Templates/Internal.asp?NodeID=92572&int2ndParentNodeID=89737&int1stParentNodeID=89642#students


  1. thats a good point... another marketing angle i guess.

  2. Any reply yet? This sort of nonsense must be stopped!

  3. Alas, no reply yet. If the complaint is referred to the ASA's Compliance Team, there might not be a reply at all.

  4. Dear Sceptical Letter Writer

    Quote from the top of your blog!

    "A chronicle of various proponents of paranormal claims and new-age therapies, and the letters I have written to challenge them".

    We were not aware of your blog, blog post or complaint, as you have not been in direct contact with us, even though all our contact information is clearly displayed in all our advertising and on the internet.

    We just stumbled on your post as we researched the internet.

    Thank you for pointing out the error on our flyer at the London show with regards to animals.

    The flyer should have said that the Wand can be used WITH animals. The wand does not touch the animal (or person) in any way, so it cannot be classed as a medical device.

    We were not aware of your concerns regarding the product or our advertising at the London Show.

    As we were there for the full 6 days, you could have spoken to us directly and we could and would, have given you a full FREE demonstration of the wand including the lemon demonstration.

    You would have then tasted the difference with the two slices of lemon AND observed that the Wand did not come into contact with the lemon.

    If you had any aches and pains we would have also willingly demonstrated on you the pain relief that can be achieved.

    We have nothing to hide the Wands work.

    We will look at all the points you raised about our advertising flyer and ensure that it contains the correct wording for the future.

    Many thanks for the fastidious work that you do.

    Point to note. When anything new is brought to the attention of people for the first time and it shakes their belief system.

    Just like the phone, the fax machine, microwave ovens, mobile phones, the computer etc.

    First there is Ridicule.
    Then there is Persecution.
    Then there is Crucifixion.
    Then there is Acceptance (When proven it works)
    Then there is "How Did We Ever Live Without This!!!"

    Zero Point Energy and the Amega wand fit into the above. Only time will prove that this is so.

    Many blessing from two very genuine people who are here to help alleviate pain and suffering on this very harsh planet we find ourselves on.

    Love Light & Blessings

    Jerry & Nina


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