When traipsing around Mind-Body-Bullshit exhibitions you'll often come across quacks advertising food intolerance tests.
Something of a fad in recent years, its popularity is on the wane. Even our very own Malcolm Bloom - a frequent visitor to this website - seems to have given up.
One of the reasons may be that the testing machines are absurdly expensive. Step forward Rachel Willis, who has come up with a novel solution - she can apparently detect food intolerances by channelling the wisdom of Archangels and The Ascended Masters!
UPDATE, 3 Feb: It seems the advertisers didn't have a booking at Oxford University after all, so I've changed that part of the article to say something nice about them.
Rachel's magical powers can also see "illnesses healed" and "psychic dirt and toxins... extinguish[ed] from your body". Among the illnesses that can apparently be treated are depression, anorexia, IBS, chronic fatigue and the male beer belly.
(It's not a very impressive list, I know, but presumably the Ascended Masters are picky about what forms of human suffering they feel are worth their attention.)
Impatient readers should skip to the end, where they'll find my latest ASA complaint. Before that, though, it's worth detailing in full why I think this lunacy ought to be brought to the attention of the regulators. (I wouldn't want anyone to think the number of complaints I've been making is unreasonable. Read it all and judge for yourself!)
The Lightworker School
The "School" is an "educational group created to help healers, creatives and intuitives fly their highest and shine their brightest" who are "committed to teaching the best to become their best, with professionalism, regulation and integrity at the heart of all we do."
About the Lightworker School
"Lightworker School was founded in 2011 by Rachel Willis, creator and editor of Lightworker Magazine, the free monthly online magazine that brings together contributors from six continents to share their knowledge and experience.
"Rachel is herself a highly successful conduit for the Ascended Masters and guided to help others fine-tune their life path by fully stepping into their power and shining their light. She helps you live with happiness, abundance and peace by sharing loving messages from The Masters on any area of your life.
"Furthermore, as the pioneering 'Food Intuitive' she channels your lifelong unique eating blueprint, and by aligning with this weight is shed, illnesses healed and energy raised. Her client list includes global TV stars, millionaires and aristocrats, all of whom share a common interest in looking and feeling great.
"Rachel’s motivation for creating Lightworker School was to help people find and express their true gifts with a high level of professionalism, integrity, and financial success"
Upcoming courses
If this sounds good to you, maybe you should check out the school's courses - a bargain at just £400 to spend a weekend in one of Britain's fine university cities.
"Certificated Angel Energy Practitioner (AEP) Weekend... 31st March - 1st April 2012... Oxford University, UK
"This course is suitable if you are looking to make a connection and work with the angels and/or feel you are here to make a difference. You will learn how to communicate with the angels, plus enhance your intuition and natural healing abilities so that you can work with the angels to help yourself and others as a professional certificated Angel Energy Practitioner.
"Led by world-renowned Angel Energy teacher Flavia Kate Peters, 'during the Angel Energy Practioner weekend we will first work on removing and healing any blockages, in any form, you may have. You will then learn how to receive and recognise guidance and messages from your angels, as well as to learn how to work with angel energy to give healings for yourself and others.'
"This course leads to a professional certification of Angel Energy Practitioner - so you can work as an AEP once qualified (see below for more details) - and is also suitable for those who wish to use the information given for personal use.
- Learn how to give angel readings
- Discover different ways you can easily receive the angels' messages
- Angel healing methods
- Chakra clearing
- Psychic block clearing
- Etheric cord cutting
- Psychic attack removal
- Psychic protection and shielding
- Room clearing and cleansing
- Meditation
- Channelling and automatic writing
- Learn about Archangels, elemental realms (faeries, unicorns etc) and how to connect with them
- Discover which 'Realm' you are from
And much more, including tips and guidance on how to start and run your own successful Angel Energy Practice... Date: 31st March - 1st April 2012... Location: Oxford University, Somerville College (full details provided upon booking)...Price: £400 - Payable via debit or credit card through Paypal, click here to book now."
But wait - there's more!
"Working as an Angel Energy Practitioner
"Upon completion of the AEP Course (including case studies), you shall be qualified to work with clients using Angel Energy.
"Working with Angel Energy is a gentle, natural, self-empowering and healing experience that brings one's body, mind and soul back into balance... An angel reading is usually combined with an Angel Energy session, which may include:
- Chakra clearing and balancing - bringing one back to their natural state of high energy, intuition and creativity
- Energy Clearing - shifting negative and draining psychic energies to bring about a new lease of life
- Etheric Cord Cutting - releasing fear-formed attachments to people and situations
- Invoking angels and Archangels - enhancing connection and relationships with the angelic realm
- Etheric Vacuuming - a powerful technique, extinguishing psychic dirt and toxins from your body - lifts energy, depression and anger
- Angel Reading - connecting with the angels to receive their loving messages by use of angel oracle cards or through your natural psychic and intuitive ability (as uncovered during the AEP Course).
More of these gems can be found on Rachel's own modest website.
"Rachel Willis is a channel for the Archangels and Ascended Masters.
"Primarily guided by Archangel Michael, she communicates wisdom about your life purpose, relationships, finances and more.
"The reading you receive gives you clarity, insight and understanding around every area of your life where you seek support, guidance and love."
Just look at these testimonials!
“I read your reading four times, I even read parts of it out loud to my husband which helped me see how much detail is in there. Wow. [from 'Abby']”
“Rachel is a huge inspiration to me and an incredible lady, she has an amazing talent that has helped me no end in my personal life and business. [from 'Claire']”
However, the service isn't cheap...
" Receive your personal channelled messages for 2012, just email Rachel to arrange your reading - £75 each."
More details
"Rachel has a busy intuitive practice, and this combined with her energetic sensitivity means that unfortunately she cannot take on every client that approaches her (whether in person or via email).
"Therefore, please email Rachel to request your Channelled Messages From The Masters and she will get back to you with her suitability and further details on how to book your reading.
"The reading addresses your specific questions and/or a general 'what you most need to know at this time'.
"Fee: £75 per reading"
...and more testimonials!
“You can totally trust her wisdom and knowledge of universal truth [from the Barefoot Doctor]”
“That was absolutely amazing. [from 'Angie']”
“Wow Rachel - you are one talented intuitive. [from 'Jules']”
Food Intuition
"Book your appointment directly and learn more at www.thefoodintuitive.com
"Are you feeling bloated or unable to shift those excess pounds? Tired all the time? Depressed, anxious or irritable?
"Rachel is gifted with the ability to intuit the foods your body is intolerant to, as well as those you can eat in abundance to bring you greater health and wellbeing.
"As a result, she helps countless people to look and feel great without the self-blame, judgements or fear of food that many diets create.
"It is NOT your fault, you simply don’t yet know how your unique body needs you to eat. But soon you will...
"The end of diets, the beginning of your life."
What's that, Rachel? Another website? Well, if you insist...
Rachel Willis - The Food Intuitive
"Are you feeling bloated or unable to shift those excess pounds? Tired all the time? Depressed, anxious or irritable?
"Rachel is gifted with the ability to intuit the foods your body is intolerant to, as well as those you can eat in abundance to bring you greater health and wellbeing.
"As a result, she helps countless people to look and feel great without the self-blame, judgements or fear of food that many diets create.
"It is NOT your fault, you simply don’t yet know how your unique body needs you to eat. But soon you will...
"What clients say...
" 'I have always believed that what you eat and drink has a significant effect on your body and more importantly your future wellbeing, so I was fascinated to meet Rachel Willis and get a very different perspective from her on the foods that I should and should not consume. The results have been incredible - after 4 weeks I had lost 2 stone, feel so much better and more importantly know that this is sustainable for the rest of my life' JD
“ 'Rachel's food intuitive session has given me a great understanding of how my body and mind reacts to different types of food. I have struggled with food for as long as I can remember and after a particularly bad week of food issues and the knock on effect it had on my training sessions, Rachel came to my rescue.
"Her food reading has been an absolute godsend for me - she has given me a guideline to follow regarding food in general, which, coupled with her uncanny knack of sensing which foods I need to avoid has set me back on the straight and narrow. Having followed her advice for the past few weeks, I have noticed that my obsessive behaviour relating to food and exercise have diminished and my energy levels and therefore my training sessions have improved vastly... Rachel indeed has a rare gift, which I encourage all to take advantage of!' AS
“ 'I'd been struggling with anaemia for two years and tried every type of medication and supplement in the book when a relative recommended Rachel to me. Initially I couldn't believe that beef could be bad for my body, as doctors had been telling me to eat more and more, but after following my diet for a few weeks I noticed a marked difference in the way I felt. I no longer craved naps all the time and generally felt a lot lighter and less tired - no more headaches, dizziness and even less menstrual cramps. But I noticed the difference immensely when I ate something from my toxic list having cut it out - peppers and onions are definitely not what my body wants and I had an upset stomach for days!
"As well as making me feel healthy again, Rachel has been an eye opener in terms of making me take note of everything I put in my mouth. My body doesn't tolerate refined sugar and aspartame (an artificial sweetener) which makes me incredibly wary of all desserts, cocktails, and sweetened drinks. It's amazing how much junk is put into the food we consume, even fruit based products that are supposedly healthy. What’s more, I'm no longer anaemic, and not taking any medication.' LL"
Food Intuitive Consultations
"Food Intuition is a one-off; it’s how your body is made - from beginning to end - and when you align with it you are healthy, happy and whole. For life.
"I see miracles unfold when people eat in alignment with their unique physical needs. I am not talking quantity - this is not a diet - I am talking about what they eat.
"Cravings vanish, energy returns and ailments disappear.
"Rachel receives these answers by reading your body’s energy like braille, and during a Food Intuitive consultation you will receive 5 pages of foods detailing what your body can and cannot tolerate, plus those that create optimum balance and holistic health. You will also learn why the foods that your body reacts to are so harmful. Each person is different, so each person has their own unique set of responses.
"This wisdom is your blueprint for life.
"If you or your child are currently experiencing:
- Skin complaints
- Digestive issues
- Depression or anxiety
- Weight gain
- Chronic fatigue
- Insomnia
- Mood swings
"The food you eat affects every part of your being, not just the outside.
"We all want to look thin - and indeed you can - but beyond that we want to feel thin, fit and healthy.
"We want to wake up with energy, be able to complete our daily tasks with ease and look great in the process.
"We want peace of mind; we want to know that we won’t be powerless to raiding the fridge in a frenzy for seemingly no reason, or to skin flare-ups even when we use non-parabens face creams, or to painful bloated stomachs at irregular intervals.
"Sometimes people stumble across their perfect eating plan by accident - one of the numerous diets on the market fits their unique bodily requirements. They are the lucky, and rare, ones.
"Most people spend years - and vast amounts of money - moving from diet to diet and wondering what they are doing so wrong. Frustration, fear and a sense of failure kick in. If only they knew.
"Eating just one tiny amount of a food that your body is intolerant to can trigger a cycle of misery, overeating and lethargy. This reaction can last weeks, and if the pattern is repeated it can span a lifetime. Purely because you are not aware of what your body does and does not welcome. Wouldn’t you like to be empowered to make choices that support your wellbeing rather than create more problems?"
If you're as excited as I am, perhaps you'd like to make a booking!
"As a gifted intuitive, Rachel can ‘read’ your bodily blueprint wherever you are in the world. This is because energy travels, and psychic energy tunes into frequency not form.
"Rachel has a busy intuitive practice, and this combined with her energetic sensitivity means that unfortunately she cannot take on every client that approaches her (whether in person or via email).
"Therefore, please email Rachel to request your Food Intuitive Consultation and she will get back to you with her suitability and further details on how to book your reading.
"Fees: Email reading £85 - Face-to-face reading £50 Marlborough, £60 Newbury... To see Rachel face-to-face at her Marlborough and Newbury practices, please email rachel@thefoodintuitive.com"
About Rachel
"Born in rural England, Rachel spent the first 25 years of her life denying her intuitive abilities and resolutely trying to fit in with the crowd.
"Following the realisation that this served no one - least of all herself - she awakened to the healing purpose behind her gifts and began to actively help others become happy, healthy and whole.
"Rachel appreciates the pain - not just on a physical level, but emotional and mental too - that food intolerances, weight gain and illness cause, and her mission is to help create a world where we all enjoy internal harmony, giving us greater peace, love and kindness to outwardly share with others.
"As well as being The Food Intuitive, Rachel edits Lightworker - the global digital magazine dedicated to the art of positive living - and heads Lightworker School, educating the best healers to be their best. "
Success Stories
"Food Intuition is a different approach to the diet methods that flood the media at every turn, so naturally you will be curious about whether it really works!
"The following case studies are a few of Rachel’s clients. Each Food Intuitive Consultation is unique and reveals different insights, so whatever your problem, there are answers on hand to help. (Names have been omitted to protect privacy.)
"Healing IBS
“Miss P had been suffering with IBS symptoms for 4 years. Repeated visits to the doctor had put her on a ‘no-dairy, reduced-wheat, plenty of fruit and vegetables diet’. Although this sounded good in theory, the pain continued and she was feeling guilty at being somehow to blame for not healing with this approach.
"Upon receiving her Food Intuitive reading, she realised that her chief intolerance was to fruit, and this was creating ALL the knock-on symptoms within her body - following the ‘diet’ recommended by her doctor was actually making her worse!
"With these insights from Rachel, she re-aligned her eating and healed within 2 months.”
"Self-forgiveness from eating disorders
“Mrs A was a recovering anorexic and binge eater, who still felt large amounts of pain and guilt towards her experience, plus the ongoing fear of relapsing.
"During the Food Intuitive Consultation, Rachel read her body’s energies and discovered that wheat was the trigger - when she ate wheat, her body was so affected by the toxic shock that it shut down her appetite for days, literally starving her system to try to clear out the toxins. This mimicked anorexia. After years of this cumulative starvation, her body was highly depleted of nutrients and her survival mechanism kicked in causing her to binge eat. Unfortunately, the instant energy foods she turned to were often carbohydrates containing wheat, and thus the cycle continued.
"With the awareness of her body’s naturally good intentions to heal itself that caused the anorexic symptoms followed by the compulsive eating behaviour, she forgave herself and found peace with her past. And - just as importantly - she healed her eating and body size going forwards by avoiding all wheat products.”
"Saying goodbye to the ‘middle age spread’
“Mr F was an active executive leading a happy life with his beautiful family and stunning home. He was turning 40 years old and came to see Rachel after looking in the mirror one day with the discovery that somehow over the course of the past few years his waistline had grown, almost without him realising.
He knew popular opinion was that beyond a certain age weight gain is inevitable, but he wasn’t so sure. And so it proved. He learned - based on Rachel’s reading of his energies - that he needed to eat more, more often, and to cut out coffee because this was so toxic to his system that fat cells were created to store the toxins and keep them from damaging his precious internal organs. After only 4 weeks, he shed 2 stone - feeling and looking like a 20 year old again!”
I think there's only one possible response to all of that - to whit - ASA complaint follows!
"I'm writing to complain about a series of websites promoting Rachel Willis.
The sites promote "intuitive" treatments to both adults and children, for medical conditions (such as anorexia and depression) which I think meet the criteria you suggested to me in our correspondence last autumn. If not, I'd be happy to receive further guidance.
"Rachel [Willis] is herself a highly successful conduit for the Ascended Masters... Furthermore, as the pioneering 'Food Intuitive' she channels your lifelong unique eating blueprint, and by aligning with this weight is shed, illnesses healed and energy raised..."
I'd like to challenge whether the advertiser can substantiate her claims to heal illnesses and effect weight loss in her capacity as a highly successful conduit for the Ascended Masters.
"Working as an Angel Energy Practitioner - Etheric [sic] Vacuuming - a powerful technique, extinguishing psychic dirt and toxins from your body - lifts energy, depression and anger..."
I'd like to challenge whether the advertiser can substantiate her claims that Etheric Vacuuming is a "powerful technique" for treating depression and for "extinguishing" toxins from the body.
"Are you feeling bloated or unable to shift those excess pounds? Tired all the time? Depressed, anxious or irritable? Rachel is gifted with the ability to intuit the foods your body is intolerant to [sic]..."
I'd like to challenge whether the advertiser can substantiate her claim to treat depression and diagnose food intolerances using her intuition.
"I'd been struggling with anaemia for two years and tried every type of medication and supplement in the book... doctors had been telling me to eat more and more, but after following my diet for a few weeks I noticed a marked difference in the way I felt... What’s more, I'm no longer anaemic, and not taking any medication.” LL
I'd like to challenge whether this testimonial claim can be substantiated and whether it might discourage essential treatment.
"Cravings vanish, energy returns and ailments disappear... Rachel receives these answers by reading your body’s energy like braille, and during a Food Intuitive consultation you will receive 5 pages of foods detailing what your body can and cannot tolerate... If you or your child are currently experiencing: Skin complaints - Digestive issues - Depression... - Weight gain - Chronic fatigue [syndrome]... And other health complaints, then I can help."
I'd like to challenge whether the advertiser can substantiate her claim of diagnosing food intolerances, her claims of treating digestive issues, depression, weight gain, CFS and "other health complaints" in adults and children, and the claim that "ailments disappear" as a result of her "Food Intuitive consultation".
“Miss P had been suffering with IBS symptoms for 4 years. Repeated visits to the doctor had put her on a ‘no-dairy, reduced-wheat, plenty of fruit and vegetables diet’. Although this sounded good in theory, the pain continued and she was feeling guilty at being somehow to blame for not healing with this approach... With these insights from Rachel, she re-aligned her eating and healed within 2 months.”
“Mrs A was a recovering anorexic and binge eater... During the Food Intuitive Consultation, Rachel read her body’s energies and discovered that wheat was the trigger - when she ate wheat, her body was so affected by the toxic shock that it shut down her appetite for days, literally starving her system to try to clear out the toxins... she healed her eating and body size going forwards by avoiding all wheat products.”
“Mr F... was turning 40 years old and came to see Rachel... He knew popular opinion was that beyond a certain age weight gain is inevitable, but he wasn’t so sure. And so it proved. He learned - based on Rachel’s reading of his energies - that he needed to eat more, more often, and to cut out coffee because this was so toxic to his system that fat cells were created to store the toxins and keep them from damaging his precious internal organs. After only 4 weeks, he shed 2 stone - feeling and looking like a 20 year old again!”
I'd like to challenge whether these testimonial claims can be substantiated, whether the claims for IBS and anorexia might discourage essential treatment, and whether the claim of a 2 stone weight loss in "only 4 weeks" breaches the CAP code."
If you enjoyed that, perhaps you'd be interested in finding out more about Angels and the people who channel them.
Messages from the angels
Angelic words from me to you
Angel Lady Terrie Marie's Blog
Or how about some Angelic Divination by email from these quacks? (At just thirty bucks a pop, they're much cheaper than Rachel Willis!)
Some additional background to this story can be found at anarchic teapot's blog.