Thursday 2 June 2011

James F. Coyle's Roulette-Beating Brain

Beyond Belief, the new book by James F. Coyle, is described as "The Ultimate Mind-Power Manual".

Casual browsers expecting a book about speed reading, memory techniques or mind mapping are going to be disappointed.

"If you were told that you could use your mind to influence a slot machine or dice fall... would you find this beyond belief?... Use [a] dream technique to solve medical problems... Determine luck cycle in advance for financial windfalls..."

Financial windfalls, you say? Tell me more!

"Would you find it somewhat amazing if you learnt that while in the alpha/theta state you can communicate quite easily with dolphins? ...And if you discovered that you can use this same dream control to solve your personal medical problems would this make life easier? ...But even better still, what if you were informed that you could use an easy-to-learn mental trigger that will tell you which slot machine to play, which scratch-it ticket to buy, which colour to bet on at roulette and which likely numbers to enter in the lotto... with a possible 70-80% chance of being correct? Well, you may be somewhat stunned to learn that all of this is now possible..."

Alas, I don't have the address of the Vanuatu Advertising Standards Authority to hand.

Instead, I'll just pass his advert in the UK edition of Nexus Magazine (available here) to the British ASA.

"I'm writing to complain about an advert in the UK edition of Nexus magazine (Apr-May 2011, p62).

The advert, for James F. Coyle, promotes the book "Beyond Belief".

1. "Beyond Belief by James F. Coyle - THE ULTIMATE MIND-POWER MANUAL - If you were told that you could use your mind to influence a slot machine or dice fall... would you find this beyond belief?... Use [a] dream technique to solve medical problems... Determine luck cycle in advance for financial windfalls..."

2. "Would you find it somewhat amazing if you learnt that while in the alpha/theta state you can communicate quite easily with dolphins? ...And if you discovered that you can use this same dream control to solve your personal medical problems would this make life easier? ...But even better still, what if you were informed that you could use an easy-to-learn mental trigger that will tell you which slot machine to play, which scratch-it ticket to buy, which colour to bet on at roulette and which likely numbers to enter in the lotto... with a possible 70-80% chance of being correct? Well, you may be somewhat stunned to learn that all of this is now possible..."

I'd like to challenge whether the claim of predicting the outcomes of slot machines, scratch cards, games of roulette and lotteries, the claim of communicating with dolphins, the claim of using dreams to "solve medical problems" and the claim of achieving "financial windfalls" exaggerate the accuracy of the book.

I can confirm that I have no connections with the advertiser."

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